Koala Forest
Certified Partner
Over 100 trees were planted by UNITED BIOCAPS CORPORATION
昱沅企業股份有限公司,是專業接受委託代工製造各種軟膠囊、硬膠囊、錠狀等保健產品之工廠,本公司於近二十年來不斷的以誠信、負責、穩健及精益求新的理念,與客戶雙向溝通,提供最先進的製造技術,開發新產品,在品質、價格及交貨等各方面都能滿足客戶的需求。 本公司於2003年1月新工廠落成,廠房的設計、建造,完全依照食品GMP的良好作業規範,於2005年2月取得首項食品GMP認證之膠囊食品,透過食品的GMP認證系統所建立之各項標準化流程的管制及追蹤,並於在2014年2月,又再取得國際ISO22000及HACCP系統認證,以提升產品品質及企業競爭力,在保健食品的市場上,能為客戶及國人提供具有安全性及機能性之產品。 隨著高齡化社會的來臨,預防勝於治療的保健觀念,逐漸被重視,本公司提供保健食品之最新資訊及生產技術,致力為客戶研發出高附加價值且安全性高的保健食品,帶給國人有更多更好的優良產品,期盼各界先進繼續給予指教,提供寶貴的意見,使得本公司在各方面都能在業界受到肯定與愛護。
Thank you UNITED BIOCAPS CORPORATION for making a difference in the world we live in!

KOFO is on a mission to combat global climate change by planting and preserving forests. This initiative not only sequesters carbon dioxide but also safeguards the delicate balance of ecosystems—crucial for countering climate change.

With the current global temperature already up by 1.2 degrees, it’s imperative to cap it within 2 degrees to ensure the survival of all species. Any breach before 2050 could accelerate deterioration, potentially spiking temperatures beyond 5 degrees by 2080, posing a crisis for humanity and biodiversity.

The G20 nations average a staggering 7.7 tons of carbon emissions per person annually. Considering that a single tree can absorb about 12 kilograms of carbon yearly, an individual must plant approximately 641 trees annually just to offset their carbon footprint. For corporations, the challenge multiplies.

KOFO’s goal of planting 10 million trees and protecting 100,000 wildlife species is an inspiring call to join the global green revolution!

Understanding and supporting initiatives like KOFO’s are pivotal in mitigating climate change and nurturing a sustainable future. Collaboration among individuals, corporations, and governments is essential to achieve these ambitious goals.

Koala Forest
Stay Focused, then Save the Earth
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