Real Trees Planted

Trees Planted
The tree count here is sponsored collectively by KOFO APP users, KOFO official, corporate sponsors, and private sponsors. KOFO collaborates with the tree-planting organization Eden Reforestation Projects, Trees for the Future, and Plant For the Planet to plant trees. Users can plant trees with coins earned using the KOFO app. Click here to visit our Partner page
KOFO has embarked on the adoption journey! We've begun by adopting the first batch of koalas through Koala Conservation Australia. See More…

KOFO APP Launches with Australian Firefighters.
Ten million trees are expected to be planted in ten years to realize forest restoration.

Our Mission

Using the power of app technology to unite people worldwide in the efforts of wildlife protection and tree planting.
Plant 10,000,000 Trees
Restore 100,000 Koalas
and Wild Animals
Achieve 50,000,000 App

Project KOFO

Welcome to KOFO, a hub of green innovation where the call of the wild meets cutting-edge technology. Our interdisciplinary team is made up of environmental experts, wildlife conservationists, and tech innovators, all united by a singular mission: to bring about a more sustainable future for our planet.
Our Values
At the core of our work lies a commitment to sustainable practices that benefit the Earth for generations to come.
We employ groundbreaking technology to amplify our conservation efforts, including a mobile app that transforms tree planting into an interactive experience.
We focus on reforestation and wildlife preservation. We’re dedicated to planting millions of trees and protecting endangered animals.

How Does KOFO App Work?

Through Focusing users plant virtual trees which can be converted to real tree planting
Congratulations on successfully completing Focus Time and successfully planted a tree
Focus and Get Coins
Real Tree Planting
Global users can participate in environmental protection through this gamified experience.

Once the average temperature rises by 6°C, humanity will face collective extinction

Rise by 1°C: Global food shortages
Accelerated melting of Arctic ice, causing drastic climate changes; imminent sinking of coral islands, severe coral bleaching, more frequent and severe droughts, disappearance of snow from African mountains, and a third of the world's land surface will lack fresh water, becoming uninhabitable.

Rise by 2°C: Over one million species heading for extinction
Ongoing ocean warming and acidification disrupt the food chain, destroying all remaining coral reefs; continued melting of the Greenland ice sheet, disappearance of Arctic sea ice causing polar bears to go extinct, worsening water crises, and complicating global food distribution.

Rise by 3°C: Surge of climate refugees
The entire carbon cycle will reverse, soil and plants will no longer absorb carbon but will begin to emit large amounts; most of the Amazon rainforest will burn down to desert, triggering a mass extinction.

Rise by 4°C: Scorching heat dominates all
Continued rise in sea levels inundating coastal cities; Antarctic ice sheets begin to crack, both poles will be ice-free, permafrost melting releasing large amounts of CO2, and food supply imbalances.

Rise by 5°C: World out of shape
Remaining ice in the North and South Poles will disappear; rising sea levels engulf coastal cities and start moving inland, human populations greatly reduce under the dual pressures of drought and floods.

Rise by 6°C: Mass extinction
Humanity faces collective extinction!

Koala Forest
Stay Focused, then Save the Earth
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